Victims of rape and sexual assault can claim compensation from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority and, in some cases, direct from their attacker, if they have the money to cover any award made against them or, if there was a ‘pastoral duty of care’ such as a nurse or teacher then it may be possible to bring a claim against your attacker’s employers.
Here at Gartons Solicitors we have the knowledge and expertise to help you claim the compensation that you deserve and are entitled to claim.
To see how we can help get in touch with us today:
- call: 0113 237 9617
- email:
- pop your contact details in the box on the right and we will get straight back to you
Money can never undo the harm and damage done by a sexual assault or rape but it can help give a sense a closure and feeling that someone has listened to you.
The amount of compensation paid depends upon on the frequency and degree of the attack/abuse and the age of the victim.
The CICA have a tariff system so that, regardless of age or sex, victims of crime receive the same award; as at Feb 2013 they are as follows:
A single incident of sexual assault without penetration and over your clothing will attract an award of £1000.00 whereas one incident of full penetrative rape will attract an award of £11,000.00, abuse over a longer period can attract an award as high as £33,000.00 with various levels in-between depending on the above mentioned factors.
In addition, compensation can be awarded for:
- Physical/Internal injuries resulting from the attack
- Pregnancy resulting from the attack
- STD’s resulting from the attack
- Psychological damage (in limited cases)
- Lost income if the period of absence exceeds 28 weeks
If you feel that we can be of assistance to you in claiming compensation please contact Mike Massen Principal Solicitor at Gartons at mmassen@gartonsolicitors in complete confidence or call us on 0113 237 9617.
For the quality legal service you deserve.