Claim for periodontal disease

Advice and assistance from Cohen Cramer

If your dentist fails to diagnose or treat you for a periodontal disease then you may be entitled to claim compensation. Cohen Cramer Solicitors are experts at dealing with all aspects of dental negligence and we can help you claim the compensation that you deserve.

Failure to treat a periodontal disease can lead to greater infection and the development of a disease that attacks the jawbone and other tissues in and around your teeth.

This can result in long-term and permanent damage to the teeth and gums. In particular there can be loss of the tooth’s attachment to the gum and bone. This can eventually lead to loss of teeth.

Your dentist should be giving you a Basic Periodontal Examination (BPE) on a regular basis in accordance with the guidelines set out in the guidelines as set out by the British Society of Periodontology. If detected your dentist should such provide treatment in the form of scaling, root planning and antibiotic therapy.

If you suspect that you have any form of periodontal disease we would recommend that you seek immediate attention from your dentist.

Once you have received treatment you may want to consider making a claim for the pain and suffering as well as the cost of any further treatment you may need.

To see how we can help you claim the compensation that you deserve get in touch with us today:

• Call: 0113 224 7830
• Email:
• Request a call back by popping your details in the form below.

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    Your Claim

    Between 2008-12 the Dental Defence Union paid out over £2.8 million in compensation and a breakdown of these figures show that the largest figures related to periodontal claims as the illness prevented the claimant’s from following their chosen careers.

    If you have been affected by periodontal disease and you suspect that it is as a result of the negligence of your dentist get in touch with us today.

    We will look to recover compensation not only for your pain and suffering and for the loss of any teeth or functionality but also for all and any financial losses arising from the condition such the need for specialist treatment or time away from work for treatment or as a result of the disease

    Brining a claim for periodontal disease is never straightforward and a dentist can often deflect the causation aspect of the claim by claiming that the patient has contributed to their condition by claiming:

    • The patient was a smoker – this is known to be a contributor to gum disease
    • The patient had failed to take care of their teeth by means of flossing and cleaning and infrequent attendance at their dentist
    • The patient was susceptible to hereditary periodontal disease
    • The patient had a pre-existing condition or was talking such medication as to increase the risk of the disease.

    That said there is an obligation on dentists to carry out regular testing and their failure to do so can be a strong argument in your favour that it was their neglect that resulted in your condition.

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